Since 1917, UJA-Federation of New York has worked with many institutions to provide social, medical, and communal services to the New York area. Use the interactive map to learn about these affiliated agencies. Click on the map pins to view agency details. Use the tools on the left to view agency listings and filter agencies by category, or scroll through the timeline at the bottom of the page to view agencies by date. For more information click on “info” at upper right. Close this window by clicking on X to begin.

General note about the data

The data used in the map is primarily from documents in the collection and Federation-published items.  The map will display in most browsers but it may be easiest to use in Chrome.

Most of the dates in the date range refer to when we know the agency was being funded by Federation.  (Additional dates may exist in the history text itself)  Where there are gaps in dates for a particular agency it is because we have not yet found complete data on dates at individual locations. Most date ranges begin no earlier than the founding of Federation and end around the time of Federation’s merger with UJA in 1986, or in 1989 or 1991, depending on what source was used for information.  This does not mean the agency went out of existence or is no longer part of the UJA-Federation network; it may just be data that is currently incomplete. 

The images are taken primarily from the collection itself.

Many of the histories in the pop-ups use information from two Federation publications: Golden Heritage, 1969; and This is your Federation, about 1966.  Other sources are listed, mostly as links to websites, finding aids, articles where you can look for additional quick information on the fly.  Much more detailed information about all of the agencies can be found within the collection, using the finding aid.

Maps – All of the Federation agency maps in the collection have been digitized and can be found here.

Links to New York Times articles – researchers without a subscription to the New York Times archives will find that some or all of the full articles to which some of the histories provide links are blocked. Therefore the full citation for the article is also included.

Completeness of Data
The dates, addresses, images and histories will continue to be added to until the map is complete, around the time the processing of the collection is finished, early fall 2015.

Federation Agencies
Altro Health and Rehabilitation Services
1954 -1959
Altro Health and Rehabilitation Services
1966 -1969
Altro Health and Rehabilitation Services
1974 -1979
Altro Health and Rehabilitation Services
1980 -1982
Altro Health and Rehabilitation Services
1980 -1990
Altro Work Shops
1915 -1975
Altro Work Shops
1975 -1991
Amelia Relief Society
Amelia Relief Society
1918 -1920
American Gathering/Federation of Jewish Holocaust Survivors
1987 -1988
Associated Camps Inc.
Associated Y's - Emanu-El Midtown YM-YWHA
1966 -2015
Associated Y's - Greater Flushing YM-YWHA
1969 -1988
Associated Y's - Gustave Hartman YM-YWHA
1966 -1979
Associated Y's - Gustave Hartman YM-YWHA
1987 -1989
Associated Y's - Kings Bay Y
1980 -1989
Associated Y's - Mid-Westchester YM-YWHA
1987 -1989
Associated Y's - Mid-Westchester YM-YWHA
Associated Y's - Mosholu-Montefiore Y
1959 -1989
Associated Y's - Northeast Queens Extension
1987 -1988
Associated Y's - Northern Westchester Y
1986 -1988
Associated Y's - Northern Westchester Y
Associated Y's - Samuel Field YM-YWHA
1966 -1991
Associated Y's - Shorefront Y
1969 -1989
Associated Y's - Southern Westchester Y
1986 -1994
Associated Y's - Yonkers JCC
1980 -1991
Associated YM-YWHAs of Greater New York
1966 -1974
Association for the Improved Instruction of Deaf Mutes
1919 -1920
Association of Jewish Sponsored Camps
B'nai B'rith Hillel/Jewish Association for College Youth
1986 -1994
B'nai Jeshurun Sisterhood
1917 -1919
Beth Abraham Hospital
1966 -1991
Beth Din Rabbinical Council of America
1981 -1982
Beth Din Rabbinical Council of America
Beth Israel Hospital
1917 -1929
Beth Israel Medical Center
1929 -1989
Beth Moses Hospital
1937 -1947
Beth-El Sisterhood
1917 -1918
Bluebird-Anchorage Camps
1951 -1955
Blythedale Children's Home
1917 -1922
Blythedale Children's Home/Hospital
1922 -1988
Brightside Day Nursery and Kindergarten
1917 -1948
Bronx House
1917 -1955
Bronx House
1956 -1991
Bronx House Camp / Camp Bronx House
1943 -1955
Bronx House-Pelham Parkway Branch
Bronx House-West Bronx Extension Program
1948 -1950
Bronx-Lebanon Hospital Center, Concourse Division
1948 -1974
Bronx-Lebanon Hospital Center, Fulton Division
1948 -1979
Brooklyn Federation of Jewish Charities
1929 -1930
Brooklyn Federation of Jewish Charities
1912 -1916
Brooklyn Federation of Jewish Charities
1917 -1920
Brooklyn Federation of Jewish Charities
1929 -1930
Brooklyn Hebrew Free Loan Association
1941 -1962
Brooklyn Hebrew Free Loan Association
Brooklyn Hebrew Home and Hospital for the Aged
1968 -1970
Brooklyn Hebrew Home and Hospital for the Aged
1968 -1970
Brooklyn Hebrew Orphan Asylum
1909 -1939
Brooklyn Hebrew Orphan Asylum
1941 -1954
Brooklyn Jewish Community Council
1949 -1950
Bureau of Schools and Extension Activities / Bureau of Education
1919 -1920
Camp Dora Golding
Camp Dora Golding
1974 -1981
Camp Dora Golding for Boys
1977 -1980
Camp Dora Golding for Boys
Camp Dora Golding for Boys
Camp Dora Golding for Boys
1987 -1989
Camp Edward Isaacs
1975 -1980
Camp Emanuel, Inc.
1943 -1951
Camp H.E.S.
1949 -1955
Camp H.E.S.
1986 -1989
Camp Hatikvah
1950 -1981
Camp Hatikvah
1986 -1989
Camp Hebrew Educational Society
Camp Isabella Freedman
1969 -2015
Camp Isabella Freedman
1969 -1977
Camp Isabella Freedman
1978 -1980
Camp Isabella Freedman
1981 -1987
Camp Isabella Freedman
1988 -1989
Camp Leah Cummings
1987 -1989
Camp Leah Cummings
1987 -1989
Camp Lehman
1951 -1954
Camp Lehman
1951 -1954
Camp Louemma
1950 -1969
Camp Louemma
1975 -1987
Camp Louemma
1988 -1989
Camp Louemma
Camp Mikan-Recro
1976 -1987
Camp Mogen Avraham
Camp Mogen Avraham
1975 -1980
Camp Oakhurst
Camp Poyntelle-Ray Hill
1966 -1969
Camp Poyntelle-Ray Hill
1974 -1991
Camp Poyntelle-Ray Hill
1960 -1969
Camp Rainbow
1948 -1989
Camp Rainbow
1948 -1954
Camp Rainbow
1966 -1981
Camp Rainbow
Camp Rainbow
1987 -1988
Camp Rainbow
Camp Sternberg-Spatt
1975 -1980
Camp Wel-Met
1947 -1948
Camp Wel-Met
Camps Mogen Avraham, Heller, Sternberg
1986 -1987
Camps Mogen Avraham, Sternberg, Spatt
Cannon Street Health Centre
1947 -1948
Cedar Knolls School
1926 -1935
Cejwin Camps
1949 -1950
Cejwin Camps
1949 -1950
Central Bureau for the Jewish Aged
1947 -1975
Central Bureau for the Jewish Aged
1947 -1954
Central Bureau for the Jewish Aged
1975 -1978
Central Bureau for the Jewish Aged
1986 -1988
Central Committee for Friendly Aid to Jewish Girls
Central Jewish Institute
1918 -1936
Central Nassau YM-YWHA
Central Queens YM-YWHA
Central Queens YM-YWHA
1976 -1981
Central Queens YM-YWHA
1982 -1990
Central Synagogue Sisterhood
Central Synagogue Sisterhood
1917 -1918
Ceres Sewing Circle
1916 -1918
Child Development Center
1949 -1962
Children's Haven of Far Rockaway
1917 -1919
Coalition to Free Soviet Jews
1978 -1989
Columbia Religious Industrial School for Jewish Girls
Committee for the Care of Jewish Tuberculous
1941 -1951
Committee for the Care of Jewish Tuberculous
1917 -1920
Community Council of Greater New York
1978 -1982
Convalescent Home for Hebrew Children
1941 -1942
Corner House
1923 -1934
Council Center for Senior Citizens
Council Center for Senior Citizens
Council of Jewish Federations
1979 -1982
Council of Jewish Federations
Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds
1947 -1954
Council of Senior Citizens Centers
Crippled Children's Driving Fund
Crippled Children's Driving Fund
Crippled Children's Driving Fund
Crippled Children's East Side Free School
1917 -1936
Crippled Children's Summer Home
Daughters of Jacob Geriatric Center
1961 -1978
Daughters of Jacob Geriatric Center
1978 -2015
Deborah Benevolent Sewing Society
Downtown Talmud Torah
1936 -1948
East Bronx Community YM-YWHA
1947 -1955
East Bronx YM-YWHA, Bronx River Building
East Bronx YM-YWHA, East Tremont Building
1962 -1969
East Flatbush-Rugby YM-YWHA, Henry Kaufmann Building
1966 -1969
East New York Dispensary
1941 -1942
East New York [and Brownsville] YM - YWHA
1947 -1953
East New York [and Brownsville] YM - YWHA
1947 -1952
East New York [and Brownsville] YM - YWHA
1954 -1969
East Side Day Nursery
Educational Alliance
1916 -1994
Educational Alliance - Camp Edalia
1952 -1966
Educational Alliance - Camp Salomon
1940 -1958
Ella Fohs Camp
1966 -1976
Ella Fohs Camp
1981 -1986
Ella Fohs Camp
1975 -1981
Emanu-El Brotherhood
1919 -1955
Emanu-El Brotherhood Social House
Emanuel Sisterhood of Personal Service
1918 -1920
Family Health Service of the Lower East Side
1944 -1954
Family Location Service
1960 -1967
Federated Employment Bureau for Jewish Girls
1917 -1918
Federated Employment Bureau for Jewish Girls
1918 -1927
Federation Employment and Guidance Service (FEGS)
1966 -1978
Federation Employment and Guidance Service (FEGS)
1979 -1994
Federation Employment and Guidance Service (FEGS)
1994 -2015
Federation Employment Service
1934 -1954
Federation for the Support of Jewish Philanthropic Societies of New York
Federation for the Support of Jewish Philanthropic Societies of New York
1917 -1918
Federation for the Support of Jewish Philanthropic Societies of New York
1918 -1925
Federation of Jewish Philanthropies
1939 -1954
Federation of Jewish Philanthropies
1955 -2015
Federation Settlement
1917 -1920
Federation Settlement
Federation Settlement
1936 -1941
Federation-Jewish Community Council Service Center of the Rockaways
1980 -1988
Federation-Jewish Community Council Service Center of the Rockaways
Fellowship House
1917 -1919
First Hebrew Day Nursery
1969 -1976
First Hebrew Day Nursery and Neighborhood House
1910 -1955
Foster Family Day Care Service of Children's Service Bureau (BHOA) and JCCA
1952 -1958
Free Synagogue Child Adoption Committee
1927 -1954
Free Synagogue Social Service
1917 -1953
Getting Equitable Treatment (GET)
1982 -1988
Good Neighbor Federation
1946 -1948
Gurwin Jewish Geriatric Center
1986 -1992
Hawthorne School
1917 -1927
Hawthorne School
1917 -1927
Hawthorne School
1935 -1969
Hebrew Educational Society of Brooklyn
1974 -1991
Hebrew Educational Society of Brooklyn
1943 -1955
Hebrew Educational Society of Brooklyn
Hebrew Free Burial Association
1981 -2001
Hebrew Free Burial Association
2001 -2015
Hebrew Free Loan Society
Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS)
1986 -1989
Hebrew Institute for the Deaf
1981 -1982
Hebrew Institute for the Deaf and Exceptional Children
1988 -1989
Hebrew National School
1947 -1948
Hebrew Orphan Asylum
1917 -1936
Hebrew Orphan Asylum, Friendly Home
1917 -1920
Hebrew Orphan Asylum, Junior League
Hebrew Orphan Asylum, Junior League
Hebrew Sheltering Guardian Society
Hebrew Sheltering Guardian Society, Home Bureau
1925 -1940
Hebrew Technical Institute
1917 -1943
Hebrew Technical School for Girls
1917 -1932
Henrietta and Stuard Hirschman Coordinating Committee for the Services for the Aged
1966 -1969
Henrietta and Stuard Hirschman YM-YWHA of Coney Island
1961 -1979
Henry Kaufmann Campgrounds, Alice N. Proskauer Day Camp
Henry Kaufmann Campgrounds, Flora Haas Day Camp
1952 -1955
Henry Kaufmann Campgrounds, Mildred Goetz Day Camp
1965 -1989
Hillside Hospital
1948 -1955
Home and Hospital of the Daughters of Israel
1955 -1969
Home for Hebrew Infants
1917 -1940
Hospital for Joint Diseases
1917 -1980
Hospital for Joint Diseases, Orthopaedic Institute
1979 -1988
Inwood House
1920 -1964
Inwood House
1964 -2015
Inwood YM & YWHA
1947 -1950
Inwood YM & YWHA
1950 -1954
JACS Foundation
1985 -1989
Jane Elkus Camp
1930 -1949
Jewish Association for College Youth (JACY)
1976 -1981
Jewish Association for College Youth (JACY)
1972 -1975
Jewish Association for Services for the Aged (JASA)
1980 -1993
Jewish Association for Services for the Aged (JASA)
1976 -1979
Jewish Association for Services for the Aged (JASA)
Jewish Big Brother Association
1917 -1918
Jewish Board of Family and Children's Services (JBFCS)
1978 -1994
Jewish Board of Guardians - Brooklyn District
1941 -1942
Jewish Board of Guardians - City Offices
1933 -1954
Jewish Board of Guardians - Henry Ittleson Center for Child Research
1952 -1989
Jewish Board of Guardians - Linden Hill School
1953 -1969
Jewish Board of Guardians - Stuyvesant Residence Club
1951 -1991
Jewish Board of Guardians - The Shelter
1926 -1933
Jewish Braille Institute of America
1955 -1968
Jewish Braille Institute of America
1968 -1983
Jewish Child Care Association - Edenwald School
Jewish Child Care Association - Fellowship House
Jewish Child Care Association - Foster Home Department, Foster Home Nursery
1940 -1951
Jewish Child Care Association - Friendly Home for Boys, Friendly Home for Girls
1948 -1951
Jewish Child Care Association - Girls' Club Association of Brooklyn
1954 -1968
Jewish Child Care Association - Pleasantville Cottage School
1941 -1986
Jewish Child Care Association of New York
1941 -1946
Jewish Child Care Association of New York
1949 -1955
Jewish Child Care Association of New York
1966 -1982
Jewish Child Care Association of New York
1987 -1994
Jewish Children's Clearing Bureau
1923 -1940
Jewish Community Center of Flatbush/Midwood
1985 -1987
Jewish Community Center of Flatbush/Midwood
Jewish Community Center of Staten Island
1964 -1991
Jewish Community Center of the Rockaways
1950 -1954
Jewish Community Council - Associated Bronx Jewish Community Council
1981 -1982
Jewish Community Council - Co-Op City Jewish Community Council
Jewish Community Council - Council of Jewish Organizations of Bay-Park
Jewish Community Council - Council of Jewish Organizations of Boro Park
Jewish Community Council - Council of Jewish Organizations of Boro Park
Jewish Community Council - Council of Jewish Organizations of Flatbush
1980 -1982
Jewish Community Council - Crown Heights Jewish Community Council
1981 -1982
Jewish Community Council - East Meadow Jewish Community Relations Council
Jewish Community Council - Five Towns Jewish Council
1980 -1987
Jewish Community Council - Flushing Jewish Community Council
1981 -1982
Jewish Community Council - Jackson Heights-Elmhurst Kehillah
1981 -1982
Jewish Community Council - Jewish Community Council of Canarsie
Jewish Community Council - Jewish Community Council of Long Island
1980 -1981
Jewish Community Council - Jewish Community Council of Washington Heights and Inwood
1980 -1982
Jewish Community Council - Mount Vernon Jewish Community Council
1980 -1982
Jewish Community Council - Northeast Queens Jewish Community Council
1981 -1982
Jewish Community Council - Northeast Queens Jewish Community Council
1987 -1988
Jewish Community Council - Queens Jewish Community Council
1980 -1982
Jewish Community Council - South Bay Jewish Community Council
1980 -1981
Jewish Community Council - Suffolk Jewish Communal Planning Council
1980 -1981
Jewish Community Council - West Side Jewish Community Council
1978 -1984
Jewish Community Council - West Side Jewish Community Council
1984 -2015
Jewish Community Council - Westchester Jewish Conference
1981 -1982
Jewish Community Council - Westchester Jewish Conference
Jewish Community House of Bensonhurst
1941 -1989
Jewish Community House of Bensonhurst
1941 -1989
Jewish Community Relations Council of New York
1977 -1982
Jewish Community Relations Council of New York
1988 -1989
Jewish Community Services of Long Island
Jewish Community Services of Long Island
1969 -1991
Jewish Community Services of Long Island, Far Rockaway Office
1969 -1991
Jewish Community Services of Long Island, Hempstead Office
Jewish Community Services of Long Island, Huntington Office
Jewish Community Services of Queens-Nassau
1947 -1980
Jewish Education Committee of New York
1943 -1955
Jewish Education Committee of New York
1966 -1989
Jewish Education Service of North America (JESNA)
1984 -1988
Jewish Family Service
1946 -1955
Jewish Family Service of the City of New York
1966 -1978
Jewish Family Service of the City of New York, Division of Family Services, Bronx
Jewish Family Service of the City of New York, Division of Family Services, North Brooklyn
Jewish Family Service of the City of New York, Division of Family Services, South Brooklyn
Jewish Family Service of the City of New York, Division of Family Services, Staten Island
Jewish Home and Hospital for Aged
1917 -1990
Jewish Home and Hospital for the Aged, Apartment Residence
1966 -1969
Jewish Home and Hospital for the Aged, Kingsbridge House
1951 -1969
Jewish Hospital and Medical Center of Brooklyn
1948 -1981
Jewish Institute for Geriatric Care
1973 -1991
Jewish Maternity Hospital, Ladies' Auxiliary
1917 -1920
Jewish Occupational Council
1943 -1948
Jewish Sabbath Alliance of America
1919 -1920
Jewish Sabbath Alliance of America
1948 -1959
Jewish Sabbath Association
Jewish Social Service Association
1941 -1942
Jewish Society for the Deaf
1953 -1967
Jewish Telegraphic Agency (JTA)
1981 -1987
Jewish Telegraphic Agency (JTA)
Jewish Vacation Association
1947 -1949
Jewish Vacation Association
1949 -1955
Jewish Working Girls' Vacation Society
1918 -1920
Jewish Working Girls' Vacation Society
1947 -1950
Jewish Working Girls' Vacation Society
1950 -1951
Joint Passover Association
1947 -1954
Joint Passover Association
1966 -1981
Joint Passover Association
1987 -1989
Juvenile House and Camp Juvenile
1943 -1950
Kingsbrook Jewish Medical Center
1986 -1989
Kittay House
1970 -2015
Ladies' Benevolent Society
1917 -1920
Ladies' Fuel and Aid Society
1917 -1938
Lakeview Home
1926 -1936
Lebanon Hospital
1918 -1941
Lebanon Hospital
1948 -1955
Lexington School for the Deaf
1936 -1955
Lexington School for the Deaf
1969 -1990
Long Island Jewish--Hillside Medical Center
1954 -1989
Louise Wise Child Adoption Center
1953 -1954
Louise Wise Services
1955 -1994
Machzikai Talmud Torah
1918 -1941
Machzike Talmud Torah of Boro Park
1941 -1948
Maimonides Hospital/Medical Center
1948 -1991
Maternal Aid and After Care Club/Association
1919 -1944
Metropolitan Jewish Geriatric Center
1970 -1992
Metropolitan Jewish Geriatric Center
Metropolitan Jewish Geriatric Center
1970 -1991
Metropolitan New York Coordinating Council on Jewish Poverty
Metropolitan New York Coordinating Council on Jewish Poverty
1978 -1983
Metropolitan New York Coordinating Council on Jewish Poverty
1987 -1988
Montefiore Country Sanatorium
1926 -1952
Montefiore Hospital and Medical Center
1947 -1990
Montefiore Hospital for Chronic Diseases
1917 -1954
Mount Sinai Hospital/Medical Center
1918 -1990
National Conference of Jewish Communal Service
1950 -1952
National Conference on Soviet Jewry
1987 -1989
National Council of Jewish Women, Inc. - Brooklyn Section
National Desertion Bureau
1917 -1920
National Desertion Bureau
National Desertion Bureau/Family Location Service
1947 -1960
National Hebrew School
National Hebrew School and Machzikei Talmud Torah
1947 -1948
National Jewish Commission on Law and Public Affairs
1981 -1982
National Jewish Commission on Law and Public Affairs
1987 -1988
National Jewish Community Relations Advisory Council
1982 -1988
National Jewish Welfare Board
1940 -1948
National Jewish Welfare Board
1948 -1966
National Jewish Welfare Board
1980 -1989
New York Association for New Americans (NYANA)
1950 -1967
New York Board of Rabbis
1947 -1948
New York Board of Rabbis
1948 -1953
New York Board of Rabbis
1953 -1989
New York Jewish Child Care Council
1947 -1954
New York School of Social Work
1950 -1954
New York Service for the Handicapped
1966 -1989
New York Service for the Handicapped - Camp Oakhurst
1966 -1986
New York Society for the Deaf
1966 -1991
New York Society for the Deaf
1991 -1994
Project DOROT
1989 -1994
Rabbinical Assembly
Ramapo-Anchorage Camp
1966 -1988
Recreation Rooms and Settlement
1915 -1920
Recreation Rooms and Settlement
1947 -1955
Recreation Rooms and Settlement
1950 -1977
Recreation Rooms and Settlement
1947 -1988
Recreation Rooms and Settlement - Camp Mikan-Recro
1966 -1991
Recreation Rooms and Settlement - Camp Wildwood
1976 -1980
Rhoda Schaap Council House
1945 -1952
Rodeph Sholom Sisterhood
1917 -1920
Scheuer House
1970 -2015
Selfhelp Community Services
1987 -1989
Sephardic Community Center
1984 -1993
Shaaray Tefila Sisterhood
Shorefront Jewish Community Center
1953 -1966
Social Service Exchange
1947 -1953
Social Work Vocational Bureau
1947 -1950
Social Work Vocational Bureau
1950 -1953
Society for the Welfare of Jewish Deaf
1918 -1920
Society for the Welfare of Jewish Deaf
1947 -1951
Solomon and Betty Loeb Memorial Home for Convalescents
1948 -1962
Spanish and Portuguese Synagogue - Sisterhood
1918 -1920
Stony Wold Sanitorium
Stony Wold Sanitorium
1917 -1955
Stuyvesant Neighborhood House
1918 -1920
Stuyvesant Neighborhood House
1936 -1951
Surprise Lake Camp
1919 -2015
Surprise Lake Camp
1966 -1969
Temple Israel - Sisterhood
1915 -1916
Temple Israel - Sisterhood
1918 -1919
Temple Israel - Sisterhood
1947 -1954
The Jewish Museum
1981 -1987
Training Bureau for Jewish Communal Service
1947 -1952
United Hebrew Charities
1917 -1920
United Jewish Appeal of Greater New York
1949 -1971
United Jewish YM - YWHAs of Long Island
United Jewish YM - YWHAs of Long Island
1975 -1980
United Jewish YM - YWHAs of Long Island - Beach Y
1980 -1991
United Jewish YM - YWHAs of Long Island - Central Nassau
United Jewish YM - YWHAs of Long Island - Greater Five Towns Y
1981 -1989
United Jewish YM - YWHAs of Long Island - Mid-Island Y
1978 -1993
United Jewish YM - YWHAs of Long Island - North Shore Y
1984 -1989
United Jewish YM - YWHAs of Long Island - South Shore Y
1969 -1984
United Jewish YM - YWHAs of Long Island - South Shore Y
1985 -1990
United Jewish YM - YWHAs of Long Island - Suffolk Y
1984 -1989
United Jewish YM - YWHAs of Long Island - Suffolk Y
Uptown Talmud Torah
1918 -1936
Uptown Talmud Torah
1947 -1948
Usdan Center for the Creative and Performing Arts
1975 -1981
Usdan Center for the Creative and Performing Arts
1986 -1989
Usdan Center for the Creative and Performing Arts
1968 -2015
Vocational Adjustment Bureau
1947 -1950
Vocational Advisory Service
1947 -1951
Vocational Advisory Service
1951 -1953
Vocational Advisory Service
Welfare [and Health] Council of New York City
1947 -1953
West Bronx Jewish Community Center
1949 -1955
West Bronx Jewish Federation Service Center
1978 -1982
West Bronx Jewish Federation Service Center
Westchester Jewish Community Services
1987 -1993
Westchester Jewish Community Services
1947 -1982
Widowed Mothers' Fund Association
Widowed Mothers' Fund Association
YM-YWHA of Boro Park
1947 -1989
YM-YWHA of the Bronx
1919 -1920
YM-YWHA of the Bronx
1947 -1969
YM-YWHA of the Bronx
1941 -1953
YM-YWHA of the Bronx, Riverdale
1969 -1985
YM-YWHA of the Bronx, Riverdale
1986 -1992
YM-YWHA of Washington Heights
1919 -1920
YM-YWHA of Washington Heights
1941 -1952
YM-YWHA of Washington Heights
1952 -1955
YM-YWHA of Washington Heights and Inwood
1955 -2015
YM-YWHA of Williamsburg
1947 -1985
YM-YWHA, 92nd Street
1917 -1989
Young Women's Hebrew Association
1919 -1941